LMI Canada
URL: lmicanada.ca
Location: Ontario, Canada
Category: Leadership Development
Services Rendered: People, Results, Excellence. LMI Canada helps leaders and organizations realize more of their potential. People are at the heart of everything they do; They help them to achieve slight-edge changes in attitude and behaviour that translates into enhanced individual performance, increased leadership awareness and measurable business results.
Voloper first worked with LMI Canada to design and develop their new corporate website. Shortly after the new website was launched live, the second phase specifically involving web application development was scoped out and initiated. This phase will bring together many of LMI Canada's offline business process operations and consolidate them into one online system in order to increase business efficiency and provide quicker access to corporate data. Phase two is almost complete and the specifications are already being put together for phase three.
Cyintech information solutions 
URL: N/A (Secure Internal Application)
Location: United States
Category: U.S. Government Contractor
Services Rendered: Complete development of Intranet Web Application for the entry and reporting of flight training missions for US Air Force